Friday, 11 August 2017

term 3 week 3

KIA ORA my name is Lilly. I have done my maths for the week, we had to do a maths sheet that had all these questions about fractions and we had to solve them.  Some of them were hard to do and some of them were easier to do, the hard ones took me a while. Some of them took me a couple of minutes some a couple of seconds. Here is an image.

This week I have done 2 chapter chat activities this week. Here is a photo of one of them. I have done 2 of the same ones and I have changed the words, coloured them different colours, Here is the first one
 and here is the second one but the purpose of this was to colour him in and write things about him, around him. Here is the second one 

This is my word work for this week. I had to make up my own words and then make them into what ever we wanted. Here is mine, I choose to do rainbow writing and here is my image of my word work (rainbow writing).
here is my work I have done on Sir  Peter Blake who you might recognise the name, he was murdered by pirates at the age of 53 and that is a moment that the kiwis will never forget he, was a fantastic kiwi role model to all kiwis here is my work on him here is the slide.

And that is the end of my blog post see you next time 

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Allie

    Hi it’s Allie, and I will be one of the people blogging with you this summer for the Summer Learning Journey.

    Sir Peter Blake was a truly great New Zealander. I enjoyed your slide show with the information about him. he achieved a lot of great things in his life time.
    Did you know any of the information before you started researching him?

    We are thrilled that you've registered for the Summer Learning Journey with us. I know it can sometimes be tricky to get started. I have included a link to the week one activities, but remember, you can do them in any order! Check out the activities on our website, and then post your responses to the activities here on your blog site.

    I am so excited to read all of your posts!


    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.